She wrote novels for her school friends - with each friend featuring in their own story - and started countless drafts of new works of fiction. (ALWAYS fiction. The alternative was just too dry.)
Then I - I mean, she - okay, you caught me; this IS an autobiographical story - got married at just 19, went to university for 5 years, travelled and had fun, and then decided that we should start a family - despite never particularly liking children that much. It was just what you did.
So, we had 4 babies. In 5 years.
What was I thinking?!
And in the haze of feeding, nappy changes, toilet training, and wiping fingerprints off the walls - just kidding, I only clean when my mother-in-law comes over or we have a rental inspection, whichever comes first...
Anyway, in the middle of the crazy-busy of motherhood, I decided I wanted MORE. Creativity. Self-expression. Words of more than two syllables.
I wanted to write.
My first novel, Blue Freedom, was published in 2010 when my daughter (baby #4) was just one.
And you'd think that if I could accomplish that during the arguably busiest, bone-wearying season of life, it'd be a piece of cake to replicate that once they grew up a bit and started school.
There's been just one unpublished manuscript since. No novel every two years (achievable). No regular blogging schedule (certainly doable).
This poor brain's been occupied with school runs, lunches, after-school sports, and paid work commitments. Filled with cobwebs and the sound of crickets, instead of a symphony of creativity.
Are you finding yourself in the same soul-drying drought of everyday life, your own personal groundhog day? Are you crying out for the internal nourishment that comes from travelling on the narrow Path of Purpose, of regularly sowing into meaning and your values? Do you make time to nurture your creative self?
You've come to the right place. Let's encourage each other on this path. Not with stern accountability, but with gentle prodding and leading the way.
I'm game. Are you ready?